better, faster, less expensive

U.S. Quality and Workmanship

We were started on one premise...

We can build a mold
better, faster, and less expensive
than going overseas.


Competitive Mold and Detail gives you U.S.A. quality, workmanship, and location at a LCC price. Let us show you how.

We're ready to save you time and money. Contact us and get the competitive edge — better, faster, and less expensive.


size and load
42 x 24 x 24 steel size capability with up to 3,000 lb. table loads.

tool designs
2D and 3D tooling work.

3D 1-off rapid prototyping machining.

exceptional service
40 years combined experience.

No design too complex.

We work with you from specification to delivery.


We proudly use Hurco vertical machining centers.


Imlay City, Michigan | Copyright © 2008 Competitive Mold and Detail, Inc.